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GÉANT (Europe)

Applying virtual reality technology to improve body image

Researchers in the BODYinTRANSIT project are studying how Body Transformation Experiences (BTE), or perceptual illusions of body change, can be engineered, to create the illusion of being something different than what they are in reality.

Health & Medicine Neuroscience
Asia Pacific | DFN (Germany) | EENet of HITSA | Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | Jisc (United Kingdom) | RedIRIS (Spain) | RENATER (France) | SINET (Japan) | SURF (Netherlands) |
21/4/2021 Sentinel 3 OLCI, True color - enhanced

KNMI shares weather data with fellow institutes via EUMETSAT

Weather satellites provide raw data for weather and climate models. EUMETSAT collects this raw data and distributes the processed data to weather institutes in its member countries, such as the Dutch KNMI. The institutes themselves contribute to the processing of the data. How does this work, how are the data distributed, and what is SURF’s role?

Astronomy Climate Science Earth Observation Meteorology Space
Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | SURF (Netherlands) |

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