Finland takes first step towards a quantum secure network
For the first time, quantum encryption technology has been applied by a commercial operator in Finland.
For the first time, quantum encryption technology has been applied by a commercial operator in Finland.
A study involving HEAnet finds that it will be possible to monitor the utility grid without satellite-based time data, thereby increasing resilience significantly.
Collaborating to develop the world’s first smart card systems able to withstand even quantum computer attacks.
With the goal of recruiting at least 30,000 students, the program “Hackers do Bem” – Hackers of good or, if you will, white hat hackers – addresses a significant deficit of professionals in cybersecurity.
A trial in Japan has demonstrated the world’s first system able to store genome data from many individuals in multiple locations so that they can be used for medical treatment and healthcare.
Building on blockchain technology, the new service SWITCHverify allows universities in Switzerland to guard themselves against fake academic diplomas.
A new tool spots patterns in the way fraudulent web shops are set up and enables fast action to delete them.
Australia, Canada, UK and US collaborate on an automated platform to share intelligence on malware attacks
According to a Danish survey, 15 % of public employees admit to ignoring security guidelines of their workplace, while before the pandemic the same figure was just 8 %.
When Dundee and Angus College, in Scotland, UK, was brought to a halt by a cyberattack, its leadership had to face a new reality. “It dawned on me that, in a digital sense, there was no college; everything had been wiped. That was a pretty low moment,” says principal Simon Hewitt. Ironically, the first point…
Let’s talk about Yari, a system that senses and identifies possible cyber security problems in an institution’s networks and allows us to proactively alert them, avoiding future breaches or attacks.
“Embarking on this work of cybersecurity is a fairly strong, but necessary and fundamental task for the academic community.”
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