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GÉANT (Europe)

Researching the sea: a collaborative effort brings together oceanographers from around the world

The Spanish Institute of Oceanography is one of the first organisations in the world to solely dedicate itself to researching the sea and its resources. Its broad and diversified activities require an accurate database capable of accommodating millions of data items, as well as a powerful connections to researchers and national and international centres with which it shares information.

Earth Observation
Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | RedIRIS (Spain) |

LifeWatch helps us understand biodiversity…and preserve the planet

Doñana National Park in Andalusia Spain is one of the world’s most fascinating nature reserves, a mosaic of ecosystems and home to unique and endangered species. The Park is connected to LifeWatch, a joint European e-infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem research, which enables scientists to access a vast array of data from multiple resources in real time to learn about the environment.

Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | RedIRIS (Spain) |
Dancing beyond time

Dancing beyond time: an encounter between tech and telematic art

Think of a dance performance in which the dancers, instead of sharing the same stage, are in different cities or even other continents. That is the mission of telematics dance, approaching dancers who are not necessarily in the same physical space, and creating other experience relations with the body and technological resources.

Arts & Culture
Asia Pacific | Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | Latin America | RNP (Brazil) | TEIN (Asia Pacific) |
Praying mantis

Solving problems in hi-tech environments before they occur

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to solve problems before they occur? Unfortunately, predicting the future is difficult when it comes to complex systems like industrial production lines or wind farms. But a group of European researchers and industry experts have joined forces to build a system of sensors and computers that could help us solve problems in high tech environments.

Europe | GÉANT (Europe) |

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