Researchers in the BODYinTRANSIT project are studying how Body Transformation Experiences (BTE), or perceptual illusions of body change, can be engineered, to create the illusion of being something different than what they are in reality.
Irma Khachidze has been preparing the ground for novel computational methods to study such brain disorders in Georgia, supported by GRENA within the EU-funded EaPConnect project and its ‘Enlighten Your Research’ programme.
Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, have shown that gold nanoclusters are well suited for delivery of drugs specifically to cancer cells.
Severely hit by the global pandemic, passing 250,000 deaths in February 2021, and combating new virus variants, Brazil is urgently pursuing vaccinations.
High performance computing in Denmark plays a crucial role in finding solutions to the challenges of the future, such as eliminating poverty and hunger, protecting our climate, reducing inequalities, promoting education and health, and sustainable economic growth
COVID-19 has been added to the list of health threats addressed in the 1+Million Genomes Initiative (B1MG), a joint effort by 23 European countries.
Building a research infrastructure to harness multiple disciplines and computing, to help advance neuroscience, medicine and computing to the benefit of society.
It is difficult to predict the course of a disease without knowing its past. For this reason, data analysis is taking on an increasingly crucial role.
New York’s Mount Sinai Health System extends its surgical knowledge and care to places where it is most needed and likely to have an impact.