Canada’s population is aging rapidly — and it’s crucial that we understand what that change will mean for the country’s future. That’s what drove the creation of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA).
Planning for a safe and healthy future in an uncertain environment by joining the best minds and resources.
RENAM has provided 2 DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) portals and 6 DICOM servers to handle the generation, storage and usage of medical images, which has grown during the COVID-19 pandemic
Nsambya, a 375 bed referral hospital in Uganda would still have been paying 5 times more than it is currently paying for internet bandwidth if its management had not taken the smart decision to connect to the Research and Education Network (NREN) of Uganda (RENU).
The COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic enhances value of open education tools for Dutch nurses.
In the past few months data about the COVID-19 pandemic has been collected, aggregated and analysed at a rapid pace. As data is collected, published and updated daily worldwide, the coronavirus outbreak may become the most visualised data ever. COVID-19 Open To help improve the timely access to data in the COVID-19 emergency the World…
Vaccines are the key to conquer threats to public health posed by coronavirus and other infectious diseases. A team at the University of Bristol, UK, is revolutionizing the way vaccines are developed, paving the way for faster and more effective vaccines. The scientists at the heart of the project explain how the Research 4.0 tools…
The global network of interconnected National Research and Education Networks is boosting international capacity where needed as part of the global rapid response to the recent novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.
Researchers are leveraging the diagnostic power of the data collected from the wearable sensors athletes use to monitor to improve performance.