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Saving the stars for the future

In 2009, NASA launched the Kepler space observatory to discover Earth-size planets orbiting other stars. For four and a half years, Kepler photographed a small 10-by-10 degrees section of the sky, taking snapshots each minute. “This is a goldmine of data, and we won’t see anything quite like it in the foreseeable future,” explains Rasmus Handberg from the Stellar Astrophysics Centre at Aarhus University, Denmark.

DeIC (Denmark) | Europe |
Cloud services for astronomy

Taking astronomy to the cloud

Astronomy has come a long way from the days of Galileo Galilei looking through a telescope to the skies. Major science infrastructures such as the Hubble Space Telescope and telescope arrays, including the forthcoming Square Kilometer Array, create huge amounts of research data for scientists across the world to explore and explain the cosmos.

CANARIE (Canada) | North America |

EISCAT 3D radar– studying the interaction between Sun and Earth

The Nordic research and education networks are preparing to put a whole new network infrastructure in place for EISCAT 3D, as the powerful new radar is situated in remote northern Scandinavia to assure a minimum of background noise. For the next 35 to 40 years to come, it will be the centerpiece of the international network of instruments monitoring the Earth’s upper atmosphere and space environment.

Astronomy Earth Observation
CSC (Finland) | Europe | NORDUNet (European Nordic) | SUNET (Sweden) | UNINETT (Norway) |
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope project

Brazilian scientists to partake in International Astronomy project

A group of 50 Brazilian researchers shall partake in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope project, deemed as revolutionary for Astronomy. Totaling R$ 1 billion in investments, the Telescope will be able to map almost half of the sky in six filters for a period of ten years and its deluge of data will be a huge challenge for information technology.

Internet2 (USA) | Latin America | North America | RedCLARA (Latin America) | RNP (Brazil) |

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