

Ugandan students enhance university services and create jobs

Students at Kyambogo University in Uganda put their skills to good use building an application to improve services… and create a startup company ZEENODE, which results in jobs for themselves and the wider community along the way.

Working hard to extend the reach of the Internet

Meet the Network Startup Resource Center, NSRC, collaborating with emerging research and education networks across the globe to extend the reach of the Internet.

Connecting 40.000 university students

Meet Emmanuel Togo, the mastermind behind delivering wireless connectivity to 40.000 students at the University of Ghana. Creating easy wireless connectivity for everybody on campus improves the quality of education, speeds up communication and makes it easier to access digital resources both on and off campus.

Sharing knowledge to strengthen emerging networks

Helina Emeru is chief technology officer of Ethiopian research and education network EthERnet. In October 2016, she joined 9 colleagues from around the world at the NORDUnet conference as part of a new Knowledge Exchange Fellowship program.

Working together instead of in isolation to train engineers in Africa

Collaborating across borders to train the trainers opens the door to new opportunities for developing the skills of network engineers in Africa. This engineering workforce provides services that underpin research and education outcomes for the nation.

The digital recycling centre is slowly going global

Instead of managing a vast amount of user names and passwords we want one digital identity, a “passport” reusing login information and giving us secure and easy access to all the services and resources we require to study, do research, and collaborate with colleagues across borders.

Protecting soil resources in Zambia

High bandwidth and seamless access to local and global data is key to effective soil observation and resource mapping. Dr Lydia Chabala from the University of Zambia explains how ZAMREN is bringing her research to the next level, thus enabling her and fellow scientists to provide input to sustainable land management policies.

The genomics revolution in Africa is well underway

African scientists have begun to study genomic influences on disease across their continent, and the Pan African bioinformatics network H3ABioNet supports much of their research, using videoconferencing to bring researchers together across vast distances.

Education across borders: building the Ugandan media sector

The Research and Education Network for Uganda is helping one of the country's universities, the Ugandan Christian University offer PhD and Master of Journalism and Media Studies Progammes online in collaboration with the University of Kwazulu Natal in South Africa and the NLA University College in Norway.

Helping researchers manage research data

As research becomes increasingly data-intensive, researchers have to sharpen their data management skills. The Data Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa (DIRISA) lends a helping hand, by providing an online Data Management Planning tool, for sound collection, management, accessibility and preservation of research data.

Mapping the landscape, managing the future

Moroccan and French researchers are using high-speed networks to combine their expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing to produce new thematic maps of Agadir, Morocco and to monitor this fragile landscape.

Freeing epilepsy patients from seizure

90% of the world’s 50 million epilepsy sufferers live in developing countries and a large minority need surgery as the only effective treatment. Thanks to the power of high-capacity R&E networks, the outlook for millions of epilepsy sufferers is being dramatically transformed and the costs of treatment substantially reduced.