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Brazilian university develops a remote experimentation tool for public education

When the teacher Karine Coelho, from the Balneário Arroio da Silva School, in the State of Santa Catarina, needs to teach inclined planes, propagation of heat, electrical circuits or other matters in the Physics curriculum for high school, her students have access not only to the theory, but to practical experiments that reinforce the content taught in the classroom, within the reach of their cellphones.

Latin America | RNP (Brazil) |
Many of Ireland's primary schools are connected to HEANet

Ireland’s digital citizens set for the future

The provision of high-speed broadband to many primary and every post-primary school in Ireland affords schools greater opportunity to embed technology in the teaching and learning process. This opens the door to a faster, richer, more interactive and more informative Internet experience than was possible before.

Europe | HEAnet (Ireland) |

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