Imagine an internet so fast that it reaches 6 Terabits per second (Tb/s). Well, it existed. This data transfer speed was the total achieved by all groups participating in the world’s largest high-performance computing and communication conference, SC23, in Denver, USA. Brazil’s research and education network RNP played a part in this achievement.
Among the activities at the conference was the SCinet performance challenge, the name given to the technology developed by a global collaboration of high-performance network experts who provide the network for the event. On this occasion, the group, which included RNP achieved an astonishing 2.5 Tb/s in data transmission between the conference venue and points in the United States, Brazil (São Paulo), and South Africa.
“Several simultaneous transfers were made by various groups. The total achieved by all groups exceeded 6Tb/s. The group RNP participated in, which included Caltech, RNP, Amlight, and Rednesp, reached 2.5 Tb/s,” explained RNP’s R&D manager, Marcos Schwarz.
The meeting also involved the execution of technological demonstrations as part of the international Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) initiative. These demonstrations focused on data and network programmability.
Schwarz also presented the Global P4 Lab project at the event, an innovative initiative focused on experimenting with new network protocols on an intercontinental scale, in collaboration with over 20 academic networks and universities.
Currently, RNP is also involved in other initiatives related to high-performance networks, hence the importance of participating in these events. An example is the eCiber/e-Science Network project that supports researchers and research institutions needing the transmission, analysis, and storage of large volumes of scientific data.