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Middle East

Mohamad Abbass on building a network without a network

Building a network without a network

When you build a national e-network connecting students and researchers, you usually start out by burying fibre, and buying and installing equipment. But what do you do, if none of that is possible? You focus on making a difference for your users, and that is exactly what the American University of Beirut has been doing.

AUB (Lebanon) | Middle East |

Sharing knowledge to strengthen emerging networks

Helina Emeru is chief technology officer of Ethiopian research and education network EthERnet. In October 2016, she joined 9 colleagues from around the world at the NORDUnet conference as part of a new Knowledge Exchange Fellowship program.

Knowledge Exchange Technology
Africa | Asia Pacific | AUB (Lebanon) | BdREN (Bangladesh) | Central Asia | DOST-ASTI | PREGINET (Philippines) | DrukREN (Bhutan) | EthERnet (Ethiopia) | Europe | KRENA (Kyrgyzstan) | Middle East | MYREN (Malaysia) | NORDUNet (European Nordic) | Nren (Nepal) | WACREN (West + Central Africa) | ZAMREN (Zambia) |
MRI scanner

Freeing epilepsy patients from seizure

90% of the world’s 50 million epilepsy sufferers live in developing countries and a large minority need surgery as the only effective treatment. Thanks to the power of high-capacity R&E networks, the outlook for millions of epilepsy sufferers is being dramatically transformed and the costs of treatment substantially reduced.

Health & Medicine
Africa | Centre de Calcul El-Khawarizmi (CCK) - Tunisia | EUMEDCONNECT3 (Eastern Mediterranean) | Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | Middle East | RENATER (France) |
Helping the fight against Ebola

Joining forces with the medical community to combat tropical diseases

Collaborations for Dengue Fever and Chikungunya initiatives are excellent examples of the scalable nature of efforts to build communities. As such, the tools and capabilities are easily adaptable to the plethora of infectious diseases that pose a global challenge.

Health & Medicine
Africa | Asia Pacific | C@ribNET (Caribbean) | Caribbean | CKLN (Caribbean) | Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | IUCC (Israel) | Middle East | SingAREN (Singapore) | TEIN (Asia Pacific) | UbuntuNet (East & Southern Africa) |

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