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Earth Observation

EISCAT 3D radar– studying the interaction between Sun and Earth

The Nordic research and education networks are preparing to put a whole new network infrastructure in place for EISCAT 3D, as the powerful new radar is situated in remote northern Scandinavia to assure a minimum of background noise. For the next 35 to 40 years to come, it will be the centerpiece of the international network of instruments monitoring the Earth’s upper atmosphere and space environment.

Astronomy Earth Observation
CSC (Finland) | Europe | NORDUNet (European Nordic) | SUNET (Sweden) | UNINETT (Norway) |

Researching the sea: a collaborative effort brings together oceanographers from around the world

The Spanish Institute of Oceanography is one of the first organisations in the world to solely dedicate itself to researching the sea and its resources. Its broad and diversified activities require an accurate database capable of accommodating millions of data items, as well as a powerful connections to researchers and national and international centres with which it shares information.

Earth Observation
Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | RedIRIS (Spain) |

Looking inside the Earth

The Earth is a complex and dynamic system, and the inner workings of our planet have serious catastrophic potential for humans in the form of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Using e-infrastructure resources and supercomputers, a research group at the University of Oslo, Norway, is investigating the link between processes which occur deep in Earth’s interior, and those at the surface.

Earth Observation
Europe | UNINETT Sigma2 (Norway) |

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