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RNP (Brazil)

Using educational games to teach math

3rd grade students from seven public schools near Sao Paolo have participated in a pilot project for the preparation of games to favour math learning. The project is proving that learning numbers and calculus can be a more fun experience with the use of educational games in the classroom

Latin America | RNP (Brazil) |
telescope array in chile

Networking of galactic proportions to uncover the mysteries of the universe

The skies of Latin America have captivated stargazers for centuries. Today, the landscape is dotted with many of the world’s most advanced and important regional, national and international observatories, providing forefront access to the heavens and beyond – enabling groundbreaking research to advance our knowledge of the universe.

CEDIA (Ecuador) | Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | Latin America | RedCLARA (Latin America) | REUNA (Chile) | RNP (Brazil) |

Brazilian university develops a remote experimentation tool for public education

When the teacher Karine Coelho, from the Balneário Arroio da Silva School, in the State of Santa Catarina, needs to teach inclined planes, propagation of heat, electrical circuits or other matters in the Physics curriculum for high school, her students have access not only to the theory, but to practical experiments that reinforce the content taught in the classroom, within the reach of their cellphones.

Latin America | RNP (Brazil) |

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