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RedIRIS (Spain)

Dear cultural heritage conservationists, please relax – the MOLAB van is on its way

When artworks are too fragile to be moved, you have to come to them. The MOLAB team helps art historians and conservationists study fragile artefacts with hi-tech non-invasive equipment.

ACOnet (Austria) | DeIC (Denmark) | DFN (Germany) | Europe | FCCN (Portugal) | FCT | GARR (Italy) | GRNET (Greece) | Jisc (United Kingdom) | PIONIER/PSNC (Poland) | RedIRIS (Spain) | RENATER (France) | SURF (Netherlands) |

Researching the sea: a collaborative effort brings together oceanographers from around the world

The Spanish Institute of Oceanography is one of the first organisations in the world to solely dedicate itself to researching the sea and its resources. Its broad and diversified activities require an accurate database capable of accommodating millions of data items, as well as a powerful connections to researchers and national and international centres with which it shares information.

Earth Observation
Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | RedIRIS (Spain) |

LifeWatch helps us understand biodiversity…and preserve the planet

Doñana National Park in Andalusia Spain is one of the world’s most fascinating nature reserves, a mosaic of ecosystems and home to unique and endangered species. The Park is connected to LifeWatch, a joint European e-infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem research, which enables scientists to access a vast array of data from multiple resources in real time to learn about the environment.

Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | RedIRIS (Spain) |

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