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RENATER (France)

Dear cultural heritage conservationists, please relax – the MOLAB van is on its way

When artworks are too fragile to be moved, you have to come to them. The MOLAB team helps art historians and conservationists study fragile artefacts with hi-tech non-invasive equipment.

ACOnet (Austria) | DeIC (Denmark) | DFN (Germany) | Europe | FCCN (Portugal) | FCT | GARR (Italy) | GRNET (Greece) | Jisc (United Kingdom) | PIONIER/PSNC (Poland) | RedIRIS (Spain) | RENATER (France) | SURF (Netherlands) |
Digitizing exams for medical students

World first: French medical students now take digital exams

Every year medical students in France take a crucial exam, The National Classifying Exam, which determines the specialization they pursue and often where they will live. To address its shortcomings, this exam has now being modernised and digitized, and the French national research and education network is responsible for mission critical infrastructure.

Europe | RENATER (France) |
MRI scanner

Freeing epilepsy patients from seizure

90% of the world’s 50 million epilepsy sufferers live in developing countries and a large minority need surgery as the only effective treatment. Thanks to the power of high-capacity R&E networks, the outlook for millions of epilepsy sufferers is being dramatically transformed and the costs of treatment substantially reduced.

Health & Medicine
Africa | Centre de Calcul El-Khawarizmi (CCK) - Tunisia | EUMEDCONNECT3 (Eastern Mediterranean) | Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | Middle East | RENATER (France) |

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