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HEAnet (Ireland)

Ensuring scientists and researchers get their data where it needs to be

Researchers at La Trobe University, Australia, collaborate with colleagues conducting fieldwork at archeological sites across Africa. FileSender, a solution enabling these researchers and thousands of others worldwide to transfer large datasets from the field to the lab, is now benefiting from a new home for sustainable R+E software development.

AARNet (Australia) | Asia Pacific | Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | HEAnet (Ireland) | UNINETT (Norway) |
Many of Ireland's primary schools are connected to HEANet

Ireland’s digital citizens set for the future

The provision of high-speed broadband to many primary and every post-primary school in Ireland affords schools greater opportunity to embed technology in the teaching and learning process. This opens the door to a faster, richer, more interactive and more informative Internet experience than was possible before.

Europe | HEAnet (Ireland) |

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