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REUNA (Chile)

From cultural heritage to particle physics, VC technology makes global collaboration easy in Latin America

The Anilla Cultural Latinoamérica-Europa in Uruguay, a network of cultural facilities, coproduces online events using second-generation netowrking technologies and promotes both research on new uses of the Internet in cultural production and the exchange of content.

Arts & Culture Education Technology
CUDI (Mexico) | Latin America | RAU2 (Uruguay) | RedCLARA (Latin America) | RENATA (Colombia) | REUNA (Chile) |
telescope array in chile

Networking of galactic proportions to uncover the mysteries of the universe

The skies of Latin America have captivated stargazers for centuries. Today, the landscape is dotted with many of the world’s most advanced and important regional, national and international observatories, providing forefront access to the heavens and beyond – enabling groundbreaking research to advance our knowledge of the universe.

CEDIA (Ecuador) | Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | Latin America | RedCLARA (Latin America) | REUNA (Chile) | RNP (Brazil) |

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