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Internet2 (USA)

Coronavirus visualisation

Supporting the global challenges of the novel coronavirus

The global network of interconnected National Research and Education Networks is boosting international capacity where needed as part of the global rapid response to the recent novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.

Health & Medicine Technology
AARNet (Australia) | Asia Pacific | CANARIE (Canada) | Europe | GÉANT (Europe) | Internet2 (USA) | Jisc (United Kingdom) | Latin America | NORDUNet (European Nordic) | North America | RedCLARA (Latin America) | RNP (Brazil) | TEIN (Asia Pacific) |

Singapore and Sapporo scenic sites come to life via R&E network link

In February 2018 spectators in Singapore were enchanted by crystal clear video images of the Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan whilst viewers in Japan could remotely take in the beauty of Singapore’s iconic Botanic Gardens: long-distance cultural exchange powered by cutting-edge video technology and high-speed R&E network links.

Arts & Culture Knowledge Exchange Technology
Asia Pacific | Internet2 (USA) | JGN (Japan) | North America | SINET (Japan) | SingAREN (Singapore) | TEIN (Asia Pacific) |

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