By crunching large data sets, researchers are able to identify a specific genetic cause in one of seven young cancer patients. This allows for prescribing more accurate doses of medicine, avoiding unnecessary side effects
The international iPSYCH project identifies genes related to specific mental illnesses to inspire development of better medicine and earlier diagnosis.
Researchers have designed a uniquely detailed and precise model of solar energy potential on a global scale, and they are offering their data free of charge for everybody to use.
According to experts, the world needs Data Stewards. Estimates say, that in Europe alone 500.000 will be needed over the coming years. Research & education networks are contributing to make that happen.
The EOSC-hub project is establishing a single contact point for European researchers to access and use resources for advanced data-driven research in fields such as seismology.
By using sophisticated Big Data based geospatial software researchers have revealed a remarkable development: Between 2000 and 2015, housing with improved water and sanitation, sufficient living area and durable construction has doubled in sub-Saharan Africa.
The European Spallation Source, a 1.843 M euro Big Science infrastructure under construction in Lund, Sweden, will feature an on-demand streaming channel
In the past 30 years amateurs with metal detector have done wonders for archaeology. Some call it the most effective surveying method since the invention of the shovel.
SONG, the Stellar Observations Network Group is creating a network of small, interconnected, robotic telescopes scattered across the globe, to be able to focus on one specific point in the sky for days, weeks and months on end.