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AARNet (Australia)

Large Hadron Collider CERN

How secrets of the universe are discovered

“It’s a very exciting time for physicists. The Higgs boson discovery is a milestone for the physics community, and for human understanding of the fundamental laws that govern the Universe. Australian research groups have been part of this for the best part of 25 years,” says Centre of Excellence for Particle Physics Director Prof Geoffrey Taylor.

Particle Physics
AARNet (Australia) | Asia Pacific |
Virtual language and cultural exchanges

Leading the way with virtual language and cultural exchanges

The Asia ConneXions program connects Australian schools with schools in Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia and India over high-speed networks using high definition video conferencing. “The program’s success lies in its ability to provide participants with a very personal and experiential opportunity to learn about the diversity within and between the countries of the Asia region…”

AARNet (Australia) | Asia Pacific | TEIN (Asia Pacific) |

Removing the barrier of distance with robot-guided virtual museum tours

“Today’s students love technology and integrating technology in education every day helps students stay engaged and prepares them for the future. The Museum Robot program at the National Museum of Australia not only integrates technology and engineering concepts, it also brings the history curriculum alive in a new and exciting way to students all over the country.”

Arts & Culture Education
AARNet (Australia) | Asia Pacific |

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