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SURF (Netherlands)

Dear cultural heritage conservationists, please relax – the MOLAB van is on its way

When artworks are too fragile to be moved, you have to come to them. The MOLAB team helps art historians and conservationists study fragile artefacts with hi-tech non-invasive equipment.

ACOnet (Austria) | DeIC (Denmark) | DFN (Germany) | Europe | FCCN (Portugal) | FCT | GARR (Italy) | GRNET (Greece) | Jisc (United Kingdom) | PIONIER/PSNC (Poland) | RedIRIS (Spain) | RENATER (France) | SURF (Netherlands) |

Recording history through daily news streams

Enlighten Your Research is a programme that supports researchers from all research disciplines to give a boost to their research. Processing and analysing large amounts of research data and collaboration between researchers play a central role. One of the projects that is supported by Enlighten Your Research is ‘Recording history through daily news streams’.

Arts & Culture
Europe | SURF (Netherlands) |

How data can improve the quality of higher education

Big data are found in all segments of society. Even the Dutch higher education sector is increasingly recognising the potential for the vast volumes of data that it has at its disposal.
What opportunities does learning analytics offer? And what challenges are the early adopters facing? Are there any runners out there who still do not track their performance with an app?

Europe | SURF (Netherlands) |

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